Chris interviews Mike Everett in the first of our team interviews. We cover the gamut and think you’ll enjoy this #tbt post!

Mike Everett Interview. Transcript

Chris Bay:

Welcome to the Life Success Legacy Podcast. My name is Chris Bay and I’m joined today with the founder of Life Success & Legacy, Mike Everett.

Chris Bay:

Thanks to our listeners for joining us today. This next set of podcasts are going to be a little bit different. What we want to do is we want to introduce you to the team members of Life Success & Legacy and our stories as to how we got introduced to the Infinite Banking Concept. How we learned about it, how long did we study and research it, how it’s impacted our lives, et cetera. So today what we want to do, and each of our stories is unique and diverse, and you may find that you connect with some of these different stories because we all have very different stories of how we were introduced to IBC. Today what we’re going to do is focus on Mike Everett, the founder of Life Success & Legacy and how he was introduced to the infinite banking concept. How it’s impacted his life and where he is today with his IBC strategy.

Chris Bay:

So, Mike, why don’t you start off with telling us, take us back to the day when you were introduced to the Infinite Banking Concept. How old were you? Where were you in life? With kids and that kind of thing.

Mike Everett:

Well, I had just turned 50 years old and I was a little bit disenfranchised with where I was in my career in the property-casualty business. And then I had gone into Applebee’s after church one day and all of a sudden this guy made a beeline over to our table and said, “Hey Mike-”

Chris Bay:

So you knew him?

Mike Everett:

I did.

Chris Bay:


Mike Everett:

I did.

Chris Bay:


Mike Everett:

Yeah. He basically asked, he says, “If I could show you and Linda a way to recover the entire cost of all the cars you purchase the rest of your life, would you be interested?” And I said, “Well, who wouldn’t?”

Mike Everett:

Long story short, he sent me the book. It came on that following Wednesday in a Manila envelope. So I opened this envelope, out comes a book, out comes a letter that tells you exactly how to read the book. And the book we’re talking about obviously is Becoming Your Own Banker by Nelson Nash. And along with all of that, there was a bill for $22 there. And I literally hollered in at Linda. I go, “Honey.” I said, “He sent us a bill with the book.” This is a book he wanted me to read. So I was a little upset about it. So I just took the bill and I tore it up and I threw the trash. So literally I threw this book over by where I do all my reading and this was Wednesday. So Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday came along. Right after the news, the book somehow made it to the top of the pile.

Mike Everett:

And so I said to Linda, she was getting ready bed and I said, “I’m going to read this book.” I said, “I’m going to read it tonight.” Because it was only 92 pages. So I started in on it at 10:30 at night, began to read it and-

Chris Bay:

Oh, wait a second because that goes against everything we tell people.

Mike Everett:

It does.

Chris Bay:

Please do not read this book after eight or nine o’clock at night because it’ll mess with your sleep.

Mike Everett:

Well, let me just tell you, after my first reading, I was so excited. I did exactly what the letter said and I read it a second time and finished my second reading at 1:30 AM and immediately went in and woke my wife up and said, “Honey, I know what I’m going to do for a new career.”

Chris Bay:

So, you weren’t just thinking about how this could impact your financial life. You were looking at it in addition to because it was so powerful to you.

Mike Everett:

It was.

Chris Bay:

It just made sense to you.

Mike Everett:

It did. As many of the people who know me, I’m the guy who jumps off the high board and I don’t really check to see if there’s water in the pool. So literally I have decided at 1:30 AM that I was changing careers, just like that. But it wasn’t a giant shift in my career change. I went from property-casualty insurance to dividend paying whole life insurance. So it was all in the same family, just a little bit more specific, a little bit more focused.

Chris Bay:

Yeah. That makes sense.

Mike Everett:

I woke up at 7:00 AM and started calling this guy’s office at 8:00 in the morning only to find out that their office doesn’t open until 9:00. I left three voicemails between 8:00 and 9:00 AM in the morning, I was that amped up about it.

Chris Bay:

So you went to work with him?

Mike Everett:

I did.

Chris Bay:


Mike Everett:

I did.

Chris Bay:

Tell me about just your personal IBC experience. When did you start your policies? How did you get started? Those kinds of things.

Mike Everett:

I immediately did two applications the first time I met with him within that first week. I decided to do a policy on myself and a policy on my wife. But then all of a sudden it dawned on me, I didn’t have any money. So I had to figure out how to go get money. So literally I went down to the bank and one of the loan officers-

Chris Bay:

This is going to be exhibit two of what not to do, right?

Mike Everett:

It is.

Chris Bay:

Are there future exhibits?

Mike Everett:

Well, I’ll just tell you. I went about it a different way, let’s put it that way. But there’s a really great ending to this story.

Chris Bay:


Mike Everett:

I went down and borrowed money to do policies for my wife and I. Number one, I tell people don’t do that unless you have equity in a place that you can use. I had no equity. So I borrowed money, started my first policies and then off we go.

Chris Bay:

Yeah. So at that point, tell me where you were in life with family. And what was your thought process in terms of how is this going to benefit you or family or who’s going to benefit from this?

Mike Everett:

I think my daughter was a sophomore or junior in high school and my son was already out of college. So this was a pretty big shift for us because I had started to then think about infinite banking in a completely different way.

Mike Everett:

First off, when you buy life insurance, normally you buy life insurance because you love someone. It is that simple. You’re actually not buying it for yourself, you’re buying it for the people that you love and care about. So when I was buying my policies for Linda and I just knew deep down that these were not for me, they were for the next generation.

Chris Bay:

So you didn’t see how this IBC thing was really going to benefit you in the meantime?

Mike Everett:


Chris Bay:


Mike Everett:

But let’s just go back to Nelson’s number one principle, think long-term. So I knew when I was purchasing the policies that somewhere down the way my family was going to benefit.

Chris Bay:

Right. So talk to me about implementation of your IBC strategy. How did that go in the early years?

Mike Everett:

Well, there were about 25 to 35 of us. Some real small number where we literally, we were learning this thing as fast as we could. We were going around wherever Nelson was, we’d go. We’ve needed information because literally it felt like something so new and so different. But yet it was so exciting because we just needed information. So literally we were doing three, four, five seminars a year and going to places wherever Nelson was, or having him come to Lawrence, Kansas and learning about IBC. It was pretty darn exciting because nobody had ever taught me about something like this that can set people so free in their financial life.

Chris Bay:

Yeah. So fast forward for me now, how long has it been since you started your first policies?

Mike Everett:

Well, I just paid my 13th premium, so 13 policy years. But I’ve only been in this for a little more than 12 years and this is all part of the learning that we help with clients learn. But, so I started out with two policies. I think in the first year I had five policies. I borrowed all the money to do this, which I was telling you, I was an idiot. But…

Chris Bay:

How’s that played out for you now?

Mike Everett:

Well, now it’s played out unbelievably because what happened was, as life grew and things changed quickly, so did a number of things in my life that made it easier to purchase additional policies. Now we have 16 life insurance policies. They’re not all on me. I’ve got some on me, some on Linda, some on Kurt, some on Karen, some on the grandkids. So-

Chris Bay:

I know at one point Nelson had 49 life insurance policies and now you’re up to 16 policies.

Mike Everett:


Chris Bay:

That’s right. Yeah. Have you learned a few things from the time you started that you might put in the category of wisdom that you can share with your clients-

Mike Everett:

Let’s put it this way, let’s go back to day one when I went to the bank and borrowed money. Now, because of the way we’ve assembled our team and the learning curve that I’ve gone through and the things that were misfortunes to me, can greatly benefit the clients that we work with. We can see a little bit further down the road to where we can help somebody avoid the mistakes that I made.

Chris Bay:

Absolutely. Mike, thanks for sharing your story. When we do our live boot camps, when you do share your story, it always has the room just rolling. And at first, just honestly, it used to freak me out because you just messed it all up so bad. But the beauty of it is, even as bad as you messed it up in the beginning-

Mike Everett:

It still works.

Chris Bay:

… it still works.

Mike Everett:

It does.

Chris Bay:

That is what’s amazing to me. So thanks for sharing your story-

Mike Everett:

You bet Chris.

Chris Bay:

… appreciate that. To the listeners, our next podcasts are going to be you getting a chance to know the rest of the team of Life Success & Legacy and how we got introduced to this crazy thing called the infinite banking concept. Check out our website, And if you have not read Nelson Nash’s book, Becoming Your Own Banker, we cannot encourage you strongly enough to do that. Thanks for joining us.

Mike and Chris pick up right where they left off and continue to the ins and outs of creating the entity. Nelson spends time explaining the classification of Whole Life, which he contends should have been called a ‘banking system with a death benefit thrown in for good measure’. Remember, we used to think that potatoes were poisonous because of misclassification… rethink your thinking.

This next section will be a multi-part podcast on the idea of Creating the Entity. Mike and Chris take a dive into the world of Life Insurance Actuaries… yeah, we know you’re riveted. However, this is critical to understand, if we are to understand Whole Life Insurance, and how it is the best tool for banking. Watch and learn, we promise it’s more exciting than it sounds!

In this #tbt podcast we review the question that we get all the time; is Infinite Banking a scam. The original podcast was released in February of 2018, and honestly, the question probably gets asked more now than back then. We all get so caught up into our current way of thinking, that when something comes along that challenges those thought processes, we often find ourselves doubting the validity of it. If you haven’t listened to this podcast, or even if you have, it’s a great one to review.

Is IBC a Scam? Transcript

Chris Bay:

Welcome to the life success legacy podcast. My name is Chris Bay and I’m joined today with the founder of Life Success & Legacy, Mike Everett. Mike, today we want to talk about a question that if you do too much Googling it doesn’t take you long to find the question, “Is IBC a scam?”

Mike Everett:

All right.

Chris Bay:

So when people bring that up in their investigation of the Infinite Banking concept, we always tell them education research, those kinds of things are going to tell you whether it is or not. We know it’s not. Everybody on our team was a client at one point.

Mike Everett:


Chris Bay:

So including myself, this is something that we experienced personally. And then I personally left a 22 year career to teach other people how to apply Infinite Banking into their lives.

Mike Everett:

That’s correct.

Chris Bay:

The way that I got there was through educating myself. So walk us through the education process that helps people understand and learn why IBC truly is not a scam.

Mike Everett:

Well, first off you’re using a 250 plus year old product called dividend paying whole life insurance, number one. Number two, because we are using a dividend paying whole life insurance, all we’re doing is we’re re-engineering or reallocating the money. So literally we’re using this product that’s been around for all these years. So how could it be a scam if we’re using a product that is sanctioned by every state in America, and we’re utilizing it as a financing option in somebody’s life? We don’t really do anything but educate people about dividend paying whole life insurance. But the Infinite Banking concept just happens to be a strategy that we use.

Chris Bay:

It’s not fancy.

Mike Everett:

It’s not.

Chris Bay:

I tell people all the time, it’s not fancy, it’s not sexy. It is simply dividend paying whole life insurance. And then what Nelson introduced in his book, Becoming Your Own Banker, is simply re-engineering it.

Mike Everett:

A hundred percent.

Chris Bay:

De emphasizing the death benefit, emphasizing the cash value part of it, and then you have a tool that you can use to finance your entire life. That can be debt. That can be your living expenses. That can be investment. That can be business. It can be all kinds of… It could be your family members debt. Some of our clients, they’re doing very well for themselves simply by financing their extended family’s debt. They have become the bank for those people.

Mike Everett:

A couple of questions that we always ask somebody is, “Would you spend $0 to find out the possibilities? Or would you take two steps backward to go 10 steps forward?”

Chris Bay:

Unpack that a little bit. That, “Would you be willing to spend zero to see what was possible?” If a client contacted us, and we always encourage people to just call us, we love teaching this concept to people. We will never ask you. We aren’t going to try and sell to you. We just want to educate people. And when we do that, it becomes pretty clear. So can you talk about for that $0 that they’re going to pay, what do people get as they go through our education process?

Mike Everett:

Well, literally when we say spend $0, we’re talking about potentially doing one of our online webinars or attending one of our boot camps. We don’t charge anybody any money to find out what’s possible in their lives. The only money that they will ever spend, ever with us, they’re going to spend $20 if they buy the book, it’s 25 on the website, cause we got to send it to you. So we’re going to charge you five bucks, even though it costs me 6.95 to send it to them. But the bottom line is we want people to educate themselves, spend some time learning about this, because if half of what we’re telling people really does work, it would be totally worth their time to check it out.

Chris Bay:

If it were a scam do we think that our existing clients would be coming back to us to open new policies?

Mike Everett:

They would not. And I’ll tell you where this all came from. This came from back in the late seventies, early eighties, when a company called AL Williams was doing buy term invest the difference, they got kicked out of all 50 states. That should tell you something. But part of the reason why it’s been coined it’s a scam, is life insurance agents in general have not done very well in educating themselves about the products that they sell. We do. We spend hours and hours and hours educating ourselves of what is the best possibilities. What is the best design? What is the best strategy for each and every customer?

Chris Bay:

Yeah, it’s interesting. Since the time that I came on board with Life Success & Legacy, of my client base, and I’m going to say it’s, I’m going to guess, I know it’s probably about 170 or more now. Not one client has dropped their policy. Not one. Now I attribute that to several things. One, is we do an unbelievable job in my opinion of educating people up front.

Mike Everett:

Yes, we do.

Chris Bay:

And we do not let them move forward with this until they understand what they’re doing.

Mike Everett:

That’s correct.

Chris Bay:

And that if there’s a marriage that both parties are on board.

Mike Everett:

That’s right.

Chris Bay:

Secondly, we do an unbelievable job, in my opinion, of not overextending people. We design policies. We design IVC strategies to address their needs, to solve their problems.

Thirdly, we become their coaches going forward. You and I know that all day long we’re getting emails, text messages, phone calls from our clients, and they’re paying how much for our…

Mike Everett:


Chris Bay:

Zero. We become their coaches going forward. One of our biggest challenges that we face is when we have clients who this really clicks in for them and they get down the road a little bit using their policies, they see the power of it with their lives, they want to start new policies right away.

Mike Everett:

Right away.

Chris Bay:

And what do we do?

Mike Everett:

We have to pull them off the ledge.

Chris Bay:

So many times we’re saying, “Yes, we understand, but you’ve got to wait. We got to capitalize this what your system that you’ve got in place first. And then we’ll go from there.” So yeah, we’ve got returning clients who are wanting to do more policies, not one of my clients has dropped their policy. It’s because of all these reasons that we listed. And that truly is a reason why, if you do all that, you know it’s not a scam.

Mike Everett:

That’s right.

Chris Bay:

Yeah. Well, it’s a good question. There’s, of course, lots of information out there. I’ll finish with this. I’ve read some stuff out there on the internet, around looking at IBC. And the main thing that people forget when they start analyzing it is, they look at it as an investment. It is not an investment. In fact, in Nelson Nash’s book on page three, second column, first full paragraph, it says “IBC is not about investments of any kind. It is a way to finance your needs in your life.” And that certainly can include in vestments, right?

Mike Everett:


Chris Bay:

Good discussion, Mike. Thanks for the time. For those of you listening in, again, we encourage you to go to our website, If you have not read Nelson Nash’s book, Becoming Your Own Banker, it is a life changing read. Again, it is not a how-to book. It is a book about imagination and possibilities. If you want to see what is really possible in your life, we will charge you $0 to find out. Just give us a call. Thanks for joining us.